Things To Consider When Hosting Alfresco
I am a real winter baby and love nothing more than a cosy kitchen supper. When the hygge cult hit I bought the books, draped blankets over chairs and lit candles bloody everywhere {as a wax-stained sofa and singed velvet cushion can attest}, and even went to Denmark for a long weekend - told you I was serious. But the recent heatwave sweeping the UK has reminded even me how wonderful summer entertaining can be.
Whilst I love to plan parties and weekends away, some of the best memories I have of my home are the impromptu get togethers beneath pink skies, when friends and neighbours casually stop by: You've got the doors and windows open, the easy summer playlist is on, and everyone is gathered together, cold drinks in hand.
So whether you’re entertaining last minute, or are just looking for an elegant evening à deux, there are a few things I like to have on hand for the summer months that help ensure you can be ready to rock at a moment's notice...
A jar of homemade dressing
Always keep one in the fridge to sex up any salad/bread basket {apple cider vinegar, olive oil, mayonnaise, dijon and honey is the best - mix quantities to taste}
Just be sure lids one before you shake it up
A simple colour scheme
Take a good look at the space you're using and pick out whichever colour is most prevalent to your eye. If it's a back garden that's mostly singed grass and that sun-bleached shed, then perhaps cool greys will balance it out. Or if it's more nondescript concrete and overgrown greenery then a splash of clean white and tea lights hanging from trees is lovely.
Personally my failsafe is blue, white and green. Partly as I have a lot of handed-down willow pattern china, but also as I find naturally occurring colours {green plants, blue skies, white clouds}just seem to work well together in outdoor spaces.
A dinner table setting by India Hicks via
A dish of limes
I love a low arrangement of peonies or dahlias, but if time short a generous heap of limes in a clean dish always looks decorative, or group together pots of basil in one medium-deep dish also spruces up an outdoor table no end, as well as smelling delicious.
Rattan chargers
Bit of an investment this one, but rather than racing about trying to locate a cloth to fit your obscure garden table shape, one option is to forego the laundry and just scrub the table clean and place chargers beneath your plates instead?
The stylish Serena Fresson, whose indoor and outdoor tablescapes are simply divine, kindly introduced me to these simple rattan ones which look great when used out of doors and really set off ordinary plates. Also keep an eye on eBay and Amazon for odd ones.
For further inspiration on table setting check out @serena_fresson on instagram.
Rugs for cold shoulders
If you are backing yourself that it's going to be a good evening {I mean why wouldn't it?} pop some old shawls and/or rugs over the back of garden chairs, or rolled up in a basket for people to help themselves to as the sun goes down.
Lend any old blanket you have lying around...
Citronella candle
One to remember these - you want your guests to remember the great time they had, not be reminded by itchy midgy bites the following day. TK Maxx are good for these in summer, or the Neal's Yard pure citronella spray is very gentle on skin - with the added bonus of making you smell like a lovely Thai spa.
Ice, ice baby
I see little point going to all of the above efforts if your drinks are lukewarm. You can never, ever have too much ice. Pick up bags of cubes {unless you're really fancy and need the crushed stuff for cocktails} and add to a bin/sink/bath of cold water for any drinks that won't fit inthe fridge. If you're using a dustbin and looking to avoid an icy lucky dip, snap a few glow sticks and toss these in so that people can see what they are grabbing.
Scented spaces
Bit of pre-planning here, but if you do have space to plant things I find jasmine and mint an absolute delight. If you can get flowering mint it is also beautiful as well as smelling delicious, and can still be flung into mixers, salads, or bouquets for a cool, calming fragrance.
Step away from the BBQ
Whilst it may not be that sociable for whoever is at the grill, remember to position the bbq a fair distance from your guests, and ideally downwind too. It's great to enjoy the smells from afar, but no one wants their freshly dried hair and dry-clean only Rixo number smelling like a smokestack the following morning.
Now go get your face in that evening sun. x